2021.12.25 - Christmas in summer-like weather!

  • On Christmas Day!
2021.11.04 - Oh, another group photo within two month!

  • Hotpot @ 海底捞!
2021.10.22 - Mouse Cortex ISSAAC-seq, one failed, one succeed

  • Well … it happens. Avoid using the chanel at the left-hand side!!!!
2021.09.23 - That's a nice and clean full-length cDNA by Jianqun

  • Ready to make some libraries!
2021.09.16 - New members, new group photo!

  • Coffee and tea drinking on campus.
2021.08.31 - Figure planning for the pollen project

  • Looks nice!
2021.08.24 - The first Droplet ISSAAC-seq by Wei

  • The emulsion looks good!
2021.06.29 - The first 10x scATAC-seq kit used in the lab

  • Not for scATAC-seq though. It is for ISSAAC-seq!!!
2021.06.22 - We have something important coming in

  • Make aliquots and put them in the safe place!!
2021.06.21 - Some nice improvement over there by Qiushi

  • Accurate sorting is very important for plate-based methods!
2021.06.03 - Poor pipette boy

  • You need to be careful NOT to overfill the pipette.
2021.05.31 - Guess what are these for?

  • Check our publications will you know :-)
2021.05.27 - This is the moment!! A historical moment for ISSAAC-seq by Wei !!!

  • After countless failures, we finally made it!
2021.05.18 - SUSTech before the first class begins

  • Under construction!
2021.04.12 - Wait a minute, is that a fish?

  • A fish-shaped UMAP from fish cells. That’s crazy!!
2021.01.28 - Cleaned up (physically) our workstation and give her a new home

  • Unfortunately, we cannot find a dedicated computer room to host her. She has to sit in the lab. Oh well …