2024.09.10 - Teachers' Day in China

  • Thanks everyone!
2024.06.28 - Congratulations on Qiushi (PhD), Beibei (MSc) and Jie (BSc)!

  • At the school graduation ceremony! Wish you all the best for your next journeys!
2024.06.27 - New group photo with the university motto!

  • Graduation time!
2024.06.11 - Need to do some testing!

  • The minimum concentration of SDS found!
2024.05.06 - Good ones!

  • Nice work from Yue. Are the results reproducible? Let’s see!
2024.04.30 - Very annoying!

  • I need to start recording how much time I have wasted on this kind of crap!
2024.03.27 - Handpicked K562 cells

  • Nice job! Done by Yue. We finally made it!
2024.03.20 - ATAC and full-length cDNA. Exciting!

  • Profiles look good. Done by Yukun.
2024.02.28 - Nice nuclei there

  • Looks good, but we need to see the sequencing results!
2024.01.30 - The first celebration in 2024

  • Guess what was the occasion? lol!
2024.01.24 - Lab retreat at the sea side

  • Reflection on 2023 and outlook on 2024. Click here to see more pictures.
2024.01.02 - The first thing to start the new year!

  • I suppose it is a good start …